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Oscar Winner Childhood Pictures | 2000 – 2021 Collection

Oscar Winner Complete List and Childhood Pictures.

(Oscar Winner Childhood Pictures)

Children are curious, truthful, and innocent. Every child has immense potential in them to become someone important in their later life. With the correct upbringing and direction, they can achieve everything they want. In this article, we are going to take you back to the past and will show you some of the rarest moments from the lives of all the Academy Award Winner male actors from 2000 to 2021
The list includes award nominees too. Some celebrities don’t have early childhood pictures, so we are listing them without any images tagged. Keep reading:

List Of Academy Award Winners


Russell Crowe Award winner: Russel received the award for his performance in the movie Gladiator.

Award winner
Picture collage of Russel Crowe
academy 2021
Gladiator for Oscar

2001 (74th)

Denzel Washington award winner: Denzel received the award for his strong performance in the movie Training Day.

Award 2021
Picture Collage of Denzel Washington
danzel 2021
Training day for Oscar

2002 (75th)

Adrien Brody award winner: The role from the movie Pianist earned Adrien the prestigious award.

2002 winner oscar
Picture collage of Adrian Broody
Adrien 2021
Pianist for Oscar

2003 and 2008 (76th and 81st)

Sean Penn award winner: Sean won the Academy Award twice. One for the movie Mystic River and Milk

Picture collage of Sean Penn

2004 (77TH)

Jamie Foxx award winner: Foxx won his Academy Award for the movie  Ray, a Biopic movie inspired by Ray Charles.

Picture collage
Picture collage of Jamie Fox

2005 (78th)

Philip Seymour Hoffman award winner: Hoffman received his Academy Award for the movie Capote.

Hoffman Winner
Picture collage of Philip Seymour Hoffman

2006 (79th)

Forest Whitaker award winner: Forest won the Academy Award by playing the role of The King in the movie The Last King.

Whitaker 2020
Photo of Forest Whitaker

2007 and 2012 (80th and 85th)

Daniel Day-Lewis award winner: Daniel won his awards by appearing as the lead for his movies There Will Be Blood and Lincoln.

Day Lewis 2021
Picture collage of Daniel Day Lewis

2009 (82nd)

Jeff Bridges award winner: Bridges won his Academy Award for the movie Crazy Heart.

bridges 2021
Picture collage of Jeff Bridges


Colin Firth award winner: Firth won his award for playing the role of King George VI in the movie The Last Speech.

award 2021
Picture of Colin Firth

2011 (84th)

Jean Dujardin award winner: Jean won his Academy Award for the movie The Artist.

Jean 2021 winner
Picture of Jean Dujardin

2013 (86th)

Matthew McConaughey award winner: He won the award for the movie Dallas Buyers Club.

McConaughey award
picture collage of Matthew McConaughey

2014 (87th)

Eddie Redmayne award winner: Eddie won his award for the movie The Theory of Everything

Redmayne oscar
Picture collage of Eddie Redmayne

2015 (88th)

Leonardo DiCaprio award winner: Caprio won his Academy Award for the movie The Revenant.

Caprio Award academy
Picture collage of Leonardo Caprio

2016 (89th)

Casey Affleck award winner: Casey won his Academy Award for the movie Manchester by the Sea.

Casey academy
Picture collage of Casey Affleck

2017 (90th)

Gary Oldman award winner: Gary won his Academy Award for the movie Darkest Hour.

Gary 2021
Picture collage of Gary Oldman

2018 (91st)

Rami Malek award winner: Malek won his award by playing the role of  Freddy Mercury in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody.

Malek oscar
Picture collage of Rami Malek

2019 (92nd)

Joaquin Phoenix award winner: Joaquin won his Academy Award for playing the role of the joker from the movie Joker.

Jaquin award winner
Picture collage of Joaquin Phoenix

2020/21 (93rd)

Anthony Hopkins award winner: He won his Academy Award for the movie The Father.

Hopkins academy 2021
Picture collage of Antony Hopkins

List Of Academy Award Nominees: Click here to see the gallery.


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